I am pursuing a B.E. in computer science at Zhejiang University, where I placed first among 81 peers in the “mixed class” honors program, with a GPA of 93.84% (4.0/4.0).
During my undergraduate, I actively conducted three research projects on generative modeling. I had the privilege of undertaking a research internship at MIT CSAIL under Prof. Tommi Jaakkola. I am very fortunate to collaborate with Ph.D. students Yilun Xu from MIT and Yuanqi Du from Cornell. Before that, I valued the mentorship of Prof. Yingcai Wu and Prof. Xiao Xie on visualizations of causal inference at ZJU.
Currently, my research interests lie in developing and applying interpretable, controllable, and efficient generative modeling methods to facilitate advancements in vision-language(mainly text-to-image) generation and scientific discovery(e.g. 2D/3D molecule generation).
Feel free to contact me at bearzy@zju.edu.cn or zyxiong@mit.edu if you’d like to chat!
Visiting Student, July 2023 - Nov 2023
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
B.E. in Computer Science, Sep 2020 - June 2024
Zhejiang University